关于2010年易武古韵臻品普洱生茶 357克 (茶饼)
我们的这款2010年古韵臻品生茶茶饼357克是选用“贡茶之乡”- 易武地区2010年易武古树茶青,根据古法制茶工艺,取法自然,传统手工,石磨压制而成。在2015年时出厂。
我们的这款2010年古韵臻品生茶茶饼357克是选用“贡茶之乡”- 易武地区2010年易武古树茶青,根据古法制茶工艺,取法自然,传统手工,石磨压制而成。在2015年时出厂。
产地: 云南
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Archie –
You can really smell the delicate lotus aromas in this tea. Sweet and full of flavour, this is a winner.
Lucas –
A real taste of this traditional style- it reminds me of tea with my grandmother.
Brodie –
For a raw tea, I was surprised at how gentle the flavour is. The sunny colour of the brew is also satisfying.
Ryder L. –
This tea cake has a really deep and complex flavour that evokes the feeling of being in an ancient Chinese garden. Highly recommend!
Jessica D. –
A great example of this style of tea, this has become a regular favourite. Been out of stock for a while 🙁
Kayla H. –
Just like other aged Pu-erh tea, this one does not disappoint. It is light in flavour and the aftertaste is long-lasting.
Akin F. –
I tasted this tea the first time I purchased it. The taste is mellow and sweet. I love tea, particularly Chinese teas, and now this tea is among my favourites.