關於2012年布朗特製普洱熟茶 357克 (茶餅)
布朗山位於雲南省西雙版納州勐海縣境內,是國內比較有名的普洱茶產區,也是普洱茶古樹茶園保留的較多的地區。其原駐民大多是布朗族,布朗族是世界上最早種植加工茶葉的民族,世世代生活在布朗山,每一代人都是與茶樹一同成長,加上布朗山特殊的氣候與地理環境,得天獨厚的自然條件成就了布朗山在普洱茶中的傳奇地位。 布朗山屬南亞熱帶季風氣候,陽光充足,雨量充沛,平均年降雨量1374毫米,年平均氣溫18℃~21℃,全年基本無霜或有霜期很短。布朗山冬春兩季多霧,夏季兩季多陰雨。且冬無嚴寒,夏無酷暑,四季如春。布朗山有許多古茶樹,它們和原始森林一起交錯生長。該地區土壤深厚,透氣性好,肥沃,微酸性土壤排水能力較好,類型包括紅壤、黃壤、紅壤,PH值在4 ~ 6之間。這些得天獨厚的自然條件為普洱茶提供了最適宜的種植環境。
產地: 雲南
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Thomas –
This tea has a strong earthy floral flavour with a mellow aftertaste. Very nice.
Ethan –
This tea has everything. Strong but smooth, with no bitter aftertaste. So many pots from one cake, too.
Angus –
I’m a fan of Blang Mountain teas and this one is no exception. You can taste the quality of the tea leaves and the depth of flavour.
Alannah S. –
Super nice tea in the form of a condensed cake that makes many, many cups. Great value and flavour.
Austin B. –
This tea manages to be strong but not overpowering. All the warmth and character you’d expect but with a lovely, sweet palate.
Declan F. –
I have been a huge fan of your tea. I’ve been a regular user of the HeyChina’s teas. I experienced digestive issues and I was in great need of something to help me. I read up a lot of about tea before ordering it I’m so grateful that I did.