關於廬山雲霧 2024
廬山雲霧茶是中國傳統名茶,產自江西省九江市廬山。廬山雲霧茶自宋代起被列為貢茶,最早種植於佛教寺院,故有中國佛茶第一家之說。廬山雲霧茶之名源於明代,許多文人墨客留下讚美的詩詞,“水甜幽泉霜雪魂,茶香高山雲霧質。廬山雲霧茶在純潔銀泉飛瀑雲霧的滋潤下,嫩綠馥郁,清香四處,回味千年。 廬山雲霧茶條索緊結重實,梗偏長。乾葉捲曲,色澤墨綠飽滿。吃起來香氣芬芳甘冽,醇厚而鮮爽,回甘清新甜美,餘韻悠長。其湯色玉綠清澈,如一碗春天的清酒。
廬山雲霧茶是中國傳統名茶,產自江西省九江市廬山。廬山雲霧茶自宋代起被列為貢茶,最早種植於佛教寺院,故有中國佛茶第一家之說。廬山雲霧茶之名源於明代,許多文人墨客留下讚美的詩詞,“水甜幽泉霜雪魂,茶香高山雲霧質。廬山雲霧茶在純潔銀泉飛瀑雲霧的滋潤下,嫩綠馥郁,清香四處,回味千年。 廬山雲霧茶條索緊結重實,梗偏長。乾葉捲曲,色澤墨綠飽滿。吃起來香氣芬芳甘冽,醇厚而鮮爽,回甘清新甜美,餘韻悠長。其湯色玉綠清澈,如一碗春天的清酒。
廬山雲霧茶的主要茶區在海拔800米以上,這裡由於江湖水汽蒸騰而形成雲霧,常見雲海茫茫,一年中有霧的日子可達195天之多。由於這裡升溫比較遲緩,因此茶樹萌發多在穀雨後,即4月下旬至5月初。又由於萌芽期正值霧日最多之時,因此造就了雲霧茶的獨特品質。我們的廬山雲霧茶因茶園位於廬山高處,因此採摘時間較晚,在四月中下旬開始採摘。 高山茶園氣候溫和,一年四季溫度變化小,晝夜溫差大,早晚涼,中午熱,白天溫度較高,能製造較多的有機物,夜晚溫度較低,因呼吸作用減弱,降低了有機物質的消耗,醣類的縮合困難,纖維素不易形成,這就有利於茶葉中有機物的積累,提高氨基酸、咖啡鹼、芳香油等有效成份的含量,因而茶葉幼嫩,品質上佳。 廬山雨量充沛,降水蒸發也形成了大量的水蒸氣,因此廬山的水蒸氣特別充足。那裡的年降雨量在1000—2000mm之間,相對濕度在80%以上,在這種溫暖而濕潤的生態條件下,孕育了喜溫喜濕的品質最好的廬山雲霧茶。
產地: 江西
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jake –
So fresh and aromatic. The leaves even look beautiful. Light medium texture, first few steeps are very fresh and grassy and later steeps mellow out and round slightly sweeter notes. Highly recommend.
dater.murals-0m –
this is my go-to favourite green tea – hot or cold. satisfying flavour, great aroma, and colour. love watching the little curls bloom into delicate leaves. colour morphs from cool to warm yellow and through to pale green
michaelcaruso91 –
This tea is so fresh. Well worth the price, sweet and light and fresh notes. Very light and so easy to drink this one, has become one of my favourites.
Anthony –
This is the perfect after dinner tea. Its fresh flavour and beautiful colour is just what I was looking for.
Hayden –
With such a romantic name, I knew I just had to get it for my girlfriend. We drink it together after dinner and talk about all the exotic places we’re going to visit. It’s become a lovely ritual for us.
Sofia –
It’s hard not to be swayed by the poetic-sounding name of this refreshing green tea. As a low-caffeine tea, it works best for me late-afternoon and/or evening.
Lilly E. –
This tea has a beautiful colour and such a refreshing taste. Packed full of important nutrients, I can literally feel this tea doing me good with every cup!
Theodore C. –
The soup looks like melted butter, it’s so subtle in appearance. The flavour is mild and sweet. We love that it is grown on a mountain under the moonlight.