凍頂山位於台灣中部著名阿里山風景區的北部,位於中央山脈的山麓。凍頂山種植的青心烏龍茶是製作凍頂烏龍茶的主要原料。凍頂茶園海拔一般在600 ~ 1800米之間(而種植在1000米以上的茶樹被認為是高山茶)。這裡氣候冷涼,早晚雲霧籠罩,平均日照短,茶樹芽葉苦澀成分降低,進而提高了茶葉的甘味。同時因日夜溫差大的緣故,茶樹生長緩慢,茶葉芽葉柔軟,葉肉厚實,果膠質含量高,使凍頂烏龍茶的味道回味無窮。由於具有這些優越的自然條件,凍頂山具有突出的茶樹種植環境。
產地: 台灣
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Nathan Peters –
very nice oolong
Grace –
I’ve been a fan of oolong teas for some time and will definitely add this one to the list of favourites.
Mason T. –
So smooth and mellow, but not weak, definitely robust but without any unpleasantness. This is a tea for cold days, warming you from the inside out with its lovely aroma and taste.
Jacob D. –
The leaf looks very straighten, made of large broken pieces of the leaf, uniform in texture and dark gray. Aroma is great and strong.
Piper M. –
I had tried a couple different oolong tea brands and this is one of my absolute favorites. Very smooth, strong flavor, not even bitter at high heat. Will order again.
Patrick W. –
Best Tea I ever had.