2015年宫廷普洱熟茶 (散茶)

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关于2015年宫廷普洱熟茶 (散茶)



2015年宫廷普洱熟茶 (散茶)


味道: 土香, 木质香, 甜味


2 茶匙

100°C (125毫升)

3-4 分钟


4 茶匙

100°C (250毫升)

3-4 分钟


8 茶匙

100°C (500毫升)

3-4 分钟


盖碗功夫茶-120ml盖碗冲泡7g(可根据个人口味调整),用100℃热水冲泡,洗茶后,第一、二次冲泡时间约为10秒,之后随着冲泡的次数的增加适当延长冲泡时间。根据个人口味,可重复冲泡4-6次左右。如不使用盖碗,请冲泡3-4分钟左右,茶水比例一般可为1:40 (根据个人口味调整)。



普洱熟茶,是以云南大叶种晒青毛茶为原料,经过渥堆发酵等工艺加工而成的茶。色泽褐红,滋味纯和,具有独特的陈香。我们的普洱茶产于勐海地区。勐海县是著名的普洱茶产地,也是中国最早的茶叶产地,分布着星罗棋布的古茶树群。这里最古老的野生茶树“茶树王”可以追溯到1700年前,从这些老树上采摘的叶子被称为“野生乔木”。这里的气候属热带、亚热带西南季风气候,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑。年温差小,日温差大。按海拔高度可分为北部热带、亚热带和亚热带气候区。年平均气温18.7℃,年平均日照2088小时,年平均降雨量1341毫米,年霜冻期32天左右。勐海常年大雾弥漫,年平均雾日约为107 ~ 160天。该地区土壤深厚,透气性好,肥沃,微酸性土壤排水能力较好,类型包括红壤、黄壤、红壤,PH值在4 ~ 6之间。这些得天独厚的自然条件为普洱茶提供了最适宜的种植环境。 生产时间: 春季

产地: 云南

2015年宫廷普洱熟茶 (散茶) 有 6 个评价

  1. 英语

    Ella C.

    This royal loose leaf tea is one of my favourites. It has a nice flavour and is full of depth.

  2. 英语

    Sofia H.

    I can vouch for the positive impacts this tea has on your digestive system. Add to that the fact it tastes delicious, and I can see why it was a royal tea for so long!

  3. 英语

    Leon M.

    Similar to King of Pu-erh tea, this tea creates a red soup and has a rich fragrance and earthy taste.

  4. 英语

    Luka K.

    Beautiful tea, the fragrance can be likened to a damp-dewy forest filled with mushrooms, as well as other considerable earthy notes. When brewed properly – there is a profound salty/caramel sweetness that comes through. Highly recommend.

  5. 英语

    Ben G.

    HC is not only providing the best tea but also a lot of information too. I loved this tea. I never read about the ancient history of this tea. This Tea provides much comfort to me and my family.
    Recommended to every tea lover.

  6. 英语

    William F.

    If you’re looking to get rid of a sore throat or a severe congestion, this tea is one of your best bets. It also helps ease constipation better than green tea. No matter what your diet is, this tea works the best in reliving acidity and loosening the bowels.

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